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Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

Our office is committed to providing our patients with the knowledge and tools to make the best choices when it comes to their dental care. Below we have provided links to other sites that include valuable information regarding maintaining good oral hygiene. We hope you find these sites useful and informative!

Oral Health Care Information

Academy of General Dentistry

Academy of General Dentistry is the second largest dental association in the U.S. Its website made for the general public, Know Your Teeth, contains a variety of dental information, including a comprehensive glossary of dental terms.

Consumer Guide to Dentistry

This website was designed to help patients better understand the treatments and procedures available in dentistry.

Colgate Oral and Dental Health Basics

Contains a wide array of information and articles on dental health concerns, including a video library.

American Dental Association

The ADA is the nation’s largest dental association. Its website contains a vast library of information on a variety of oral health care topics, as well as in-depth explanations of almost all dental procedures.

American Dental Hygienists’ Association

The ADHA represents over 120,000 dental hygienists across the country. Its website also contains valuable oral health care information including proper brushing and flossing instructions.

Interactive Oral Education for Kids

ADA Animations and Games

Uses a variety of animations to engage kids and teach them how to keep their teeth healthy.

Provides various articles on how to ensure your baby grows up with healthy, strong teeth.

Mouth Power

Kids can explore this online laboratory to learn how to brush their teeth, what tobacco can do to a mouth, and how to make healthy food choices.

Colgate Kids’ World

Games and activities for kids to learn about the importance of oral health care

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